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Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à la prochaine séance des Rencontres SACRe avec Julia Eckhadt, qui aura lieu vendredi 17 janvier 2025, de 15h à 17h, au CNSMDP. La rencontre se déroulera en anglais, modérée par Laurent Estoppey, Arthur Enguehard (doctorants SACRe) et Cléo (artiste, HEAD).

Julia Eckhardt is a musician and organiser in the field of the sonic arts. She is artistic co-director of Q-O2 workspace for experimental music and sound art, and of Oscillation festival in Brussels. As a violist, she has performed and released internationally, and has been engaged in a number of artistic collaborations, among which extensively with composer Éliane Radigue. Julia is (co-)author of books such as The Second Sound – Conversations on Gender and Music, Grounds for Possible Music, and Éliane Radigue – Intermediary Spaces/Espaces intermédiaires. She is a researcher at the philosophical faculty at VUB Brussels, and has been teaching and lecturing on topics related to sound, music, gender, and space.

« In this talk, the notion of artistic value in music is examined from a feminist starting point. Judgments of « good » and « bad » can serve as instruments of power, while the criteria remain opaque and keep shifting, and aren’t up for arguments. However, making judgments is a fundamental political activity within a society and an important tool for shaping culture. I will aim to propose a method of judgment that values subjectivity, context, and the specificity of the sonic in cultural mediation, via the philosophy of among others Hannah Arendt, Sylvia Wynter, Adriana Cavarero, and Chiara Bottici, as well as musicologists Susan McClary and Marcia Citron ».