Project Description
February 26th and 27th, 2020
Inquiry through Practice
About the 2020 session
If the first two times were mainly devoted to short presentations and discussions, the goals of this third exchange were to:
- Give more time to PhD students from both programs (90 minutes each) for the presentation of their PhD project, the concrete presentation of their work in progress and for the discussion of its strengths and weaknesses ;
- Deepen our knowledge of the Critical Media Practice program, its infrastructures, its organization and its students ;
- Build, for the faculty members, personal relationships with the Harvard team or their colleagues, for personal research purposes taking place into the SACRe laboratory.
Furthermore, this session was taken as an occasion by Harvard to organize a one-day workshop with representatives of other international programs of research through artistic practice.
The PSL delegation was composed by:
- International Affairs: Minh-Hà Pham (Dean) and Guillaume Signorino (Program Manager) who stayed in Boston after the MIT Career Fair for the purpose of this workshop.
- SACRe-PSL faculty members: Emmanuel Mahé (Director of SACRe-PSL, Head of research at EnsAD) Barbara Turquier (Head of Research at La fémis), Keti Irubetagoyena (Head of research CNSAD), Quentin Rioual (Education and Research Program Coordinator SACRe-PSL).
- SACRe-PSL PhD students: Léandre Bernard-Brunel (1st year, ENSBA), Joseph Minster (1st year, La fémis), Geoffrey Rouge-Carrassat (1st year, CNSAD).
Through group discussions and presentations of work by three students from Harvard’s programs in Critical Media Practice, Music, and Theater, Dance, and Media, and three students from PSL’s La Fémis, Beaux-Arts de Paris, and CNSAD, we proposed to discuss in depth, and through concrete examples of works produced, the modes and modalities, processes and methodologies, of bringing together forms of research inquiry and forms of artistic practice. The scientific mediation was led by Joana Pimenta and appeared as a strong asset for the discussions which were led by one rule : PhD candidates first, faculty members second.
March 2020.